The BlueTech Quality Management System is designed to meet Dekra's ISO 9001:2008 “Quality Management System Requirements”. The Company Quality Manual demonstrates how the system of processes within BTSS interact together to produce the desired outcome (a process approach).
View BlueTech's Dekra ISO 9001:2008 Certificate
The advantage of the process approach is the on-going control that it provides over the linkage between the individual processes. The linkage facilitates efficiencies and effectiveness of the QMS and is aimed at enhancing customer satisfaction.
BlueTech is a level 4 BEE contributor.
With the current shortage of technical skills within Southern Africa we have taken the view and are of the belief that the best way to serve our community is to nurture and pass on our knowledge and skills to our young, upcoming technicians and engineers. BlueTech is committed to and involved in the in-service training of young technicians and engineers within our industry.
We offer them the opportunity to both learn and gain vital hands-on experience of that which our industry offers.
Our aim is not only to uplift the youth and engineering workforce but also to offer them guidance and opportunities within our company. Our programme enables our trainees to grow and become actively involved in their career paths and in the growth of the company, affording others the same opportunities and in the process, creating job opportunities.
BlueTech is not limited to spreading our knowledge within South Africa. In co-operation with our Southern African clients, training partners and site specific training programs, we are actively involved in training young apprentices and technical staff in the fields of automation, process instrumentation and industrial control systems.
As part of our social responsibility programme, BlueTech provides learning and teaching materials to the Little Professors Nursery School, a non-profit organization providing schooling and aftercare services to children of lower income families. The school works according to the government curriculum and offers the children the opportunity of attending a structured schooling programme and participating in field activities that they would otherwise not be able to attend on a full time basis. Should any other individual or corporate be interested in participating in the programme please visit their website and give generously.
The environment is of outmost importance to future generations, to the sustainability of our communities and the overall quality of life for all.
Energy efficiency is of outmost importance and an area that BlueTech as a company is able to provide, at the same time promoting cost effective and energy efficient solutions within our industry. This is specifically with regard to material handling, mining, water treatment and power generation. With careful equipment selection and control techniques we are able to provide energy efficient solutions to projects.